Home LifestyleLiving Tips for College Move-in Day

Tips for College Move-in Day

U-Haul moving truck parked outside the side of a building.

Sept. 1 is around the corner, and Bostonians know what that means … college move-in day. While we brace ourselves for traffic and trucks everywhere, here are tips for college-bound students:

  • Label your belongings as you pack. This way, you can organize your boxes in each room, and unpacking won’t be as daunting.
  • Reserve parking for your moving truck! Street occupancy permits are obtained at City Hall on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Stay up to date with BPD throughout the morning. Many streets are closed to alleviate Sept. 1 move-in-day traffic.

Devin Thompson, The Boston 100

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The Boston 100

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